Record Book Library is a digital garden inspired by a concept in a fictional world I created. It’s a place where fleeting moments and thoughts are preserved and shared…a reflection of my special interest and passion in worldbuilding. I’m currently in the process of developing library collections that you can click through and explore at your own pace.

Hypertext Game (Coming Soon) - During my time at Lindenwood University where I’ve been working toward an MFA in Interdisciplinary Media Arts, I’ve been exploring how to create an immersive, conversation-focused game that can be played directly in a web browser. I’ve been working on this for over a year now and I plan on sharing the first version of the project soon!

The Storyteller App - the Storyteller app is one of my longest running projects. First launched in 2018, I have been uploading weekly series and art there for every day, since its launched. For me, this is app is about helping people find language for their own life’s story. Every day in the app features prose, a word-of-the-day, journal prompt, and affirmation, artwork, and an optional push notification. There’s also a free home page that’s a free feature.
